人生中第一次訴訟 : 不當解雇 (前)
正確的說我這一庭的訴求是 "僱傭關係存在" ; 而一審的判決結果是 "原告之訴駁回" , 想起那個星期四的下午 , 我人在法院等了良久最後等到的卻是這樣的答案 , 令人難過之極 ... 因為法官的裁判書主文還沒出來 , 所以也不清楚具體內容是甚麼 , 駁回的理由是甚麼...
Both the Service Provider and Service Receiver are Human.
HSaaS is an actual Human-to-Human Service.
People can pick-up someone's personal service as their need.
Wish you can find the service you need here!
It's very welcome to share your PTSD experiences or any stories to me, and I am really honer to LISTEN !