River 的數位貨幣及NFT初體驗
數位貨幣和相關的交易平台是目前很火熱的話題 , 小弟本人這陣子也研究了好一陣子 , 我的建議是 , 除非有高手或大師指導要不然還是做足功課再涉入吧 !! 要不然一開始很有可能白繳許多學費的. 而集中化與去中心化這兩種機制各有長短 , 但是去中心化我認為複雜很多 ,...
Both the Service Provider and Service Receiver are Human.
HSaaS is an actual Human-to-Human Service.
People can pick-up someone's personal service as their need.
Wish you can find the service you need here!
It's very welcome to share your PTSD experiences or any stories to me, and I am really honer to LISTEN !